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Building a Strong Company Culture: How to Handle Remote Employees

Building a Strong Company Culture: How to Handle Remote Employees

Most companies these days have at least some employees that work remotely. This can be a huge asset to the company as it is often more cost-efficient and convenient. However, remote employees can often feel disconnected from the company without appropriate structures and struggle with poor productivity due to a lack of accountability.

Today, we will discuss how to build a strong culture for remote workers so they can thrive.

But first, what are the signs that an employee is struggling and in need of help?

The first indicator that an employee is having issues is a lack of communication. If an employee isn't checking in regularly or responding to messages, this could be the first sign that something is wrong.

Another big indicator would be not meeting their workload or project deadlines consistently and not reaching out for help. This could indicate that the employee struggles with personal issues or does not fully understand what needs to be done.

The final sign would be if they are unhappy at work and showing it through negative attitudes toward co-workers, managers, etc. This could result from trouble working remotely and mean that this person isn't cut out for the job.

Here are a few strategies to keep track of your team and develop a solid company culture,

Understand Their Needs

The key to handling these employees is to be there when they need help or guidance. When people are struggling, it's always best to offer as much support and assistance as possible before jumping into management mode.

Perhaps the person is having trouble with their internet connection and can't work as quickly or efficiently as usual, making them frustrated.

There are also times where employees struggle because of bad habits formed from being on another team before transferring to this one. This could mean they need some time to adjust and get used to the new environment.

Be Flexible With Deadlines

Whenever possible, consider being as flexible with deadlines, goals, and expectations as possible. This will help alleviate a lot of stress from both ends because it's difficult enough working remotely, let alone having unrealistic standards placed upon you.

With this in mind, the best way to handle a remote team is by ensuring your remote employees know what is expected of them when it comes down to completing their tasks on time.

Handle Difficult Conversations with Care

Some employees go through many hoops to try and get their voice heard, while others who are shy or introverted struggle with self-advocating. And when you're struggling, it's often hard to speak up for yourself - especially if you don't know your company culture very well.

Don't be afraid of having difficult conversations with remote employees, as this will only cause more harm than good. It's important to have these conversations so that you can get a better understanding of where their head is at and how they feel about the position they're in.

Provide Flexible Work Schedules

For many employees, a work-from-home situation can be challenging if they are not familiar with self-management or setting up an effective schedule for themselves in the first place.

However, it is crucial that your remote team feels as comfortable as with the schedule. Some members may best work during the night shift, while others may be more productive during the day.

When it comes to setting up a flexible work schedule, there are two main options. You can provide your remote team with an official hourly or daily rate for their services and let them decide when they want to complete tasks; or on the other hand, you can set clear deadlines and make sure that your remote team members are meeting them.

Arrange For Team Building Activities

If your remote team members live in different time zones, it can be difficult to ensure that they build strong personal relationships. However, you can always find time to plan a team-building activity.

It doesn't have to be a physical meet-up or a conference. You can organize a virtual team-building activity such as an online game or a webinar for your remote employees to discuss important topics, build relationships and have fun together at the same time.

Offer Incentives for Hardworking Employees

Getting committed employees isn't a problem when you're working from home. However, some remote employees may feel unmotivated if they don't have the right incentives to keep them going.

You can offer your team members different rewards and incentivize them to do well in their work. These include bonuses or allowances that will help them with personal finance issues. A gift voucher or a day out with the family will also be enough if they achieved their job goals for the month.

Praise Your Workforce

Positive reinforcement is one of the most important ways to build up your employees' morale and make them want more from you. Remote employees need this just as much as in-house workers because it encourages them.

They need a way to know that you appreciate their work, and this can be done through simple verbal communication and written form such as emails or letters. Let them know when they have done something right because it will help build up their motivation over time.

Find a Way to Communicate Effectively

Whether you use audio or video conferencing when communicating with remote employees, ensure that the message is received correctly. It would help if you always were upfront about their progress because this can help them get back on track when they are struggling in any way.

Remember that some employees are shy and may not share their opinions in meetings. Try to provide a channel for them to share their thoughts and feelings without feeling pressured. This could be through direct messages or emails asking for their thoughts.

Remote teams are a great way to grow your company, but they can be difficult to manage. One of the main ways remote teams stay connected is through consistent communication.

Conference Town offers free conferencing for companies with remote employees, so you never miss out on opportunities to connect remotely. Sign up today and experience unique features for all your remote communication needs.


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