Free Conferencing Blog

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Here's why you don’t have to pay for a conference call service

Here's why you don’t have to pay for a conference call service

Free things sometimes get an unfair bad rap. Sayings such as “there’s a reason it’s free” or “you get what you pay for” suggest that free products are inferior to others that users pay for.

However, downplaying free services often downplays many of the same businesses and organizations that utilize them weekly or even daily.

That’s just not fair. No matter how large and no matter what situation a business finds itself in, there are plenty of reasons a free product just makes better sense than a paid alternative.

This is true for many different types of software or services, including free conference call services. But let’s dive a little deeper into why your business or organization should include a free conference call service, such as Conference Town, in your tech stack.

Why business use free software and services

There are many reasons any organization would choose a free product. One of the primary reasons is the costs associated with adding yet another paid service or piece of software to the list of costs that quickly eat away at any size of budget.

Those cost considerations could be:

  • Startups trying to stay lean
  • small business trying to keep overhead and other costs as low as possible whenever
  • Large corporations, or divisions within corporations, that simply need a free tool that won’t rack up significant costs for the high number of users who will need to participate in a call

When free services make the most sense

Now, we are not by any means arguing that a business or organization should seek to eliminate all paid software. There are many such services that perform tasks so well or streamline the process to the point they become frictionless that paying for the service is simply the best route.

However, that’s not the case all the time. Many scenarios exist in which a free software or free version may be better than paying an upfront cost or an ongoing subscription fee.

For example, these scenarios could include:

  • A free version of the software exists that performs the functions needed (sometimes referred to as a freemium model)
  • A free alternative service exists that performs the exact same functions as a popular, but expensive software

Why use Conference Town instead of a paid conferencing service

Conference Town fits neatly within the second scenario above. Sure, there are paid services that may claim to offer superior levels of audio conferencing, but when matched up toe-to-toe, Conference Town has the features most businesses and organizations need for a successful conference call.

In fact, our service boasts nearly 143,000 happy customers – an amount that’s quickly growing – who have discovered the benefits of using our free service. In fact, many of these customers are not shy about sharing why they love our free audio conferencing service over others.

At the end of the day, Conference Town provides these customers with many of the same in-demand features and benefits that paid competitors try to claim as exclusive.

Let’s go over some of the features that separate us from not only other free audio conference call providers, but also our competitors who require subscription fees or other costly upgrades to enjoy the same benefits.

HD conferencing audio quality

By and large, audio quality is perhaps the most important part of any phone call, regardless of whether it’s a personal phone call or a conference call. But when it comes to hosting meetings and other important informational sessions over the phone, audio quality becomes even more critical.

That’s why Conference Town offers HD audio quality that makes hearing exactly what everyone on the call has to say easy. We accomplish this by connecting our users’ calls through our tier one carriers.

Other free services require users to upgrade to a premium tier or version of their conference call service before they promise HD quality audio. Not Conference Town.

Record all calls for free

Many of the same providers that charge fees for HD sound quality also require users to pay for the benefit of recording calls. We, on the other hand, believe that this is another benefit that every user should have immediate access to.

That’s because free call recording becomes important when matters critical to the operation of businesses and organizations are being discussed. Not only does it help to have a record of what was talked about and decided, but having a recording also benefits anyone who was unable to attend the meeting.

Conference Town makes it easy for our users to play back any recorded call at any time or download the entire call recording to review at a later time.

Caller limits? Not with Conference Town

Another common way some conferencing services get their users to spend money is to place limits on the number of participants that can be on any given call.

However, the best free conference call services do not place any call participant limits. This allows call hosts the freedom to invite those they believe need to be on the call, but also send out broader invitations to their company or organization as a whole to allow any number of people to join the call, if they so desire.

Unrestricted call lengths

Last but not least, and speaking of unnecessary limitations, conference calls should last as long as they need to. Unfortunately, many paid services put unreasonable time restrictions on their users as a way to create a “need” to pay.

With Conference Town, there are no time limits for any conference call. Need a question and answer session following a presentation? There’s no need to worry about running short on time.

Never pay for a conference call

Conference Town delivers the best features of audio conferencing – all for free.

Set up a free account quickly and easily or start an instant conference to see why so many of our users keep coming back to our free conferencing service.

And remember. Don’t just settle for free, expect the best when it comes to free conference call services.


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Start your FREE conference call. provides the highest quality, feature packed audio conferencing for free. There are no hidden fees. Our system can handle both small and large conference calls. When quality is what matters, there's just one choice.